There's an exciting new brand in the postnatal exercise space, The Mothership Physio, led by the amazing Emma Smith and Claire Fitzpatrick.

Not only do they look totally fabulous in orange leggings, they’re also highly experienced women’s pelvic physiotherapists.

Following their re-brand, I was hired to craft the words for a new website and an email sequence to promote their online postnatal fitness program. 

Website copy and email sequence

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the Vibe

Empowering    Motivating    Inspiring

SEO report with keyword research to optimise the website for organic search

5 pages of new website copy (home, about, program sales page, FAQs and landing page)

5-part email welcome sequence

New pages presented in Figma wireframes to bring the copy to life visually

The Work

I discovered, from customer research, that what mums value most about the TMP program is Emma and Claire’s knowledge as pelvic health physiotherapists. It gave them the feeling they were in safe hands. So this needed to shine through in the website copy by highlighting Emma and Claire’s physiotherapy experience. It was also a powerful way to differentiate them from competitors.

They also had wonderful feedback from their clients from interviewing them. So to boost credibility, the website copy is infused with social proof like testimonials, case studies, videos, and screenshots of DMs.

The Copy

In Her Words

"Jennie is the dream copywriter. She used her skill and expertise to convey our brand to a T."

Emma Smith, Founder, The Mothership Physio

Initially, we hired Jennie for a small project and, when her work exceeded our expectations, we hired her again to write the copy for our new website and welcome email sequence. 

She is thoughtful, approachable, and considered in her replies to questions or feedback. From style and substance, Jennie gets it right every time. We highly recommend her services.”

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